NSS Activities

National Service Scheme(NSS)  

About NSS:NSS was introduced in 1969 with the primary objective of developing the personality and character of the student youth through voluntary community service. 'Educationthrough Service'is the purpose of the NSS. The ideological orientation of the NSS is inspired by the ideals of Mahatma Gandhi.

What is the work of NSS students?

NSS helps the student to grow individually and also as a group. It makes the students confident, develop leadership skills, and gain knowledge about different people from different walks of life. Students also learn other skills that help them lead a better life in various situations.

What is the goal of NSS any 4 points?

The main objectives of National Service Scheme (NSS) are:
1) Understand the community in which they work.

2) Understand themselves in relation to their community.

3) identify the needs and problems of the community and involve them in problem-solving. 4) Develop among themselves a sense of social and civic responsibility.

What do NSS students do?

NSS volunteers generally work in villages, slums and voluntary agencies to complete 120 hours of regular activities during an academic year.Students under the NSS must put in 2 years of services along with their studies. Under the scheme, students must provide 120 hours of service every year as well as participate in at least one special camp programme.

 As per the fundamental principles of National Service Scheme, a volunteer is expected to remain in constant touch with the community.

What is the vision and objective with NSS?

National Service Scheme (NSS) The vision is to build the youth with the mind and spirit to serve the society and work for the social uplift of the down-trodden masses of our nation as a movement.

Name of the Activity: NSS FORMATION DAY


Name of the Activity:  Republic Day  (26th January)        

Name of the Activity:  Blood Grouping & DonationCamp

Name of the Activity:  International Yoga Day

Name of the Activity:  Clean & Green Program 

Name of the Activity:   Independence Day Celebrations   

Name of the Activity:  Awareness program on Disha App  


Name of the Activity:Election Awareness Programe




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